In Königstein, Nebelschütz and Oschatz, Kunst im Dialog will create opportunities for encounters and dialogue through the creation of artistic short films and accompanying walks with local citizens. In each municipality, an artist selected after a call for entries will create at least two biographically oriented short films in dialogue with the local protagonists. The content of the films will deal with the ruptures and bridges of industrial culture in Saxony in the period after the peaceful revolution and reunification. The films will be presented on a new project platform and can be experienced in public space. Finally, the dialogue walks will take place in all three communities, include the life stories portrayed in the films and conclude with a film screening.
After Königstein and Nebelschütz, we visited Oschatz on 09 July 2022. Once again, the topic was “Fractures and Bridges of Industrial Culture in Saxony”. Oschatz was hit hard by the transformation after the collapse of the GDR economy. Many people emigrated as a result. But there are also new things and people who are helping to shape and develop Oschatz today.
Much has already been reported about Nebelschütz. A village of the future, a community in a spirit of optimism, eager to experiment and full of ideas – but also with a long history. During our dialogue hike, hikers could experience the past, present and future live in the best spring weather.
Come along to the countryside with Sachsen im Dialog in October 2021. Experience artistic short films and exciting hikes in Königstein, Oschatz and Nebelschütz!
Review of the third Kunst im Dialog project. This time in Nebelschütz and Miltitz with the dialogue hike “Permaculture – Past with Future?” and the art installation “How we carry the 30 years”.
Parallel zur Kunst im Dialog -Veranstaltung in Königstein startete am 09. Oktober ein weiteres Sachsen im Dialog-Projekt: die heimSuchungen luden nach Oschatz.
Am 09. Oktober startete in Königstein Kunst im Dialog mit der Dialogwanderung „Das schwierige Erbe der Wismut“. Dramatisch, bedrückend und vor allem authentisch waren die persönlichen Schilderungen des Zeitzeugen sowie langjährigen Wismut-Mitarbeiters Ulrich Nesbor, der den Spaziergang leitete und dem interessiert nachfragenden Publikum viele Hintergründe verriet.
Dialogue on social transformation over the last 30 years
“Kunst im Dialog” wants to create space for encounters and an exchange of opinions at eye level that can counter prevailing conflicts and protect and strengthen the social context. People are to be brought into conversation and the rural perspective given a voice.
For this purpose, biographical short films and dialogue walks with local citizens will take place in three rural communities – Königstein, Nebelschütz and Oschatz.